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4 Suggestions to Get More Life in Your Time

Flying out of San Francisco at 9:30pm.

Ah yes.  You read that title correctly.  I don’t think any of us need more time!  We really want more life.  I’ve done the time management stuff and while it can be helpful.  I find there is still something missing, especially for some of us who are task-oriented.  I do believe in trying to plan and be efficient with our time, but that alone won’t mean we experience the really important stuff in life.  So, follow along, this is so much better!

There is another kind of time that we should be aware of each day.  And it is this “other” concept of time that really adds life to our time!


Read these two verses:  Ephesians 5:15-16 “Look carefully then how you walk… as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”  And Colossians 4:5 “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.”

Paul wasn’t writing about time management here.  He was sharing about another kind of time.  In the Greek New Testament, there are two words for our english word “time.” The first word is chronos.  We get the word chronology from chronos.  Chronos time is measured on watches and calendars.  It is made up of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years.

In the verses above Paul used the other Greek word for time, kairos.  Kairos is sometimes translated as “opportunity.”  Kairos time is what happens when a door opens and a new space for experiencing life presents itself.  It shows up in-between the seconds and minutes of our day.  It often shows up in what we would call interruptions.  It usually isn’t planned for.  But, when stepped into, these times give life a new dimension of meaning and significance.


This last month, my wife Kris and I had a lot of kairos experiences.  We began the month with our 33rd Wedding Anniversary, that was planned, but our conversations over dinner were certainly kairos moments.  Then we headed out to California to see my stepdad, John.  He had entered hospice care and we wanted to make sure he knew how important he was to us.  It was a meaningful time for us.  We returned home to Chicagoland, to hear of the birth of our new grandson.  So we loaded the car and headed for South Dakota for 4 days.  There we met Jacob and spent some wonderful time with our granddaughter, Clara.  After returning home, we now had to plan a trip to California again. This time, we went to mourn with our family and celebrate John’s life.  We flew home last Saturday morning and loaded the car to drive to Iowa, where I preached at one of most joy-filled churches we know.  We returned home on Sunday night.  And on Monday, a dear friend and sister-in-Christ, entered eternity.  At the end of this week, we will have the privilege of celebrating all God had done through her life and trusting Him together for His comforting love.


In it all, Kris and I have found great joy and meaning.  How?  We found life in kairos time.  Here are four tips that might help you find more life in your time.

  1. Be willing to let God orchestrate life.  We will only see kairos time when we stop fighting to control our lives. Don’t be obsessed with making life happen, rather be aware of all that is already happening and step into it.
  2. Be with those around you.  We won’t experience kairos if focus on the thing we have to do next!  We can’t let our plans make us blind to the people around us and the opportunity to live life.  Kairos happens in the here and now with THESE people.
  3. Be confident that unplanned by you, doesn’t mean unplanned by God.  Kairos might not be on our calendars, but it is just as much a part of God’s ordained order as the sunrise that can be timed to the second each day.  Just because it comes as a surprise to us, doesn’t mean it’s a surprise to God. Remember that an interruption is merely an event you didn’t foresee.
  4. Be mindful of meaning.  Life isn’t a list of duties we need to accomplish.  People aren’t our projects, nor are they our pawns.  Our purpose in life is to give meaning and value to the people around us.  Meaning happens when we connect, or reconnect with people in a way that draws them toward a deeper love for God and helps them experience His life.

Do you really need more time?  When I look at my calendar, I don’t need more time.  What I really want is more life!  I want to experience the fullness of all God has intended.  I hope that is your desire too.  In the midst of the minutes you count, find the time where life resides.


As always, thank you for reading and giving your likes, comments and shares.

Remember to check out my book, if you haven’t picked one up!  TRANSFORMED PAIN.  (The Kindle version is free right now – don’t forget to leave a review.)

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