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A Pastor’s Christmas Rant


My wife said, I need to get my “rant” out before I come home tonight. And sometimes, that’s what blogs are for… so here it goes.

I think Fox News and Facebook have done more to hurt Christians this time of year than many other influencers. As a Fox News watcher, I think many Christians have mistakenly assumed that because they’re not “liberal,” they promote a more Christian worldview. And on Facebook, Christians promote and share statements that drive non-Christians away from the gospel.

The biggest example of this, during the Christmas season, is the “war on Christmas.” There is a growing sentiment among many conservative Christians that our culture has changed. For good, or bad, it feels like Christians have less of a presence or voice. And that creates frustration, fear and anger. Hint: the Bible says there is no war on Christmas, it’s a war on Christ (read Ephesians 6:10-18) and it’s not new.

We buy into this “war on Christmas” and we end up acting like the rest of the world when they feel “dissed.” We cop an attitude with the lowly clerk that said, “happy holidays.” We boycott certain establishments where people have jobs they need. We walk around with a “Jesus” chip on our shoulders. We get defensive, bitter and resentful. All in all, we have to admit, we no longer represent the One who came to love, heal and forgive. And when that happens, we have to ask, “Now, who has really taken the Christ out of Christmas?”

People rightfully take our anger at culture as anger at them. We should be different. We need to be sprinkling “salt” and shedding “light,” not slashing and burning with sword-tongues and truth-bombs.

Let me challenge you, as a Christian, if you want to put the Christ back in Christmas, do what He did! Here are some ideas:

1. Put worship in your celebration. Be with other Christians and celebrate. Put aside personal celebrations for the sake of celebrating with the people of God.

2. Invite someone into your home who doesn’t have a place to be. Show them the love of Jesus.

3. Give, Give, Give. Give to your church that promotes the gospel message. Give to people in need, through your church or another helping organization.

4. Write a note to someone who is in prison, or in a care facility.

5. Speak peace to others. Adopt an attitude of humility and speak works of peace. Encourage people that forgiveness is possible by forgiving them. Heal wounds. Mend a relationship.
Oh yeah, once we’ve done this for Christmas, we should put Christ into every day of our lives.

When the world sees this, they are more apt to want the Christ in our Christmas. And then we all win! Let’s stop being told how to feel about the world around us. Jesus overcame his righteous judgment to offer grace and mercy. So should we.

My frustration comes when others are telling Christians how to act and feel when it has no alignment with the Christ of the gospel. They are tapping into our base nature rather than challenging us to aspire to be more like Christ this Christmas.

Okay… sorry for the rant! Now I can go home tonight. And I hope you have a new plan for sharing the Christ in Christmas.

How will Christ be present in your Christmas?
How will you share Him with someone else?

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